
A Little About All This

For a quick intro, give the Hello World post a read.

How To Contribute

The more people that contribute here, the more valuable this will be, so please send things over to me at ckdake@ckdake.com. I’ll keep adding questions to this list as I get them.

If you’d like to chat over lunch somewhere in Atlanta, or via a G+ hangout, be interviewed by e-mail, send some notes my way, or just point me to a blog post or website somewhere else, any of those would be great.

If You Are A Recruiter

  • What questions do you have for developers?
  • What do you wish developers knew about recruiters?
  • What is it like being a recruiter and trying to fill a position?
  • How are recruiters compensated?
  • What questions should developers be asking to recruiters that contact them?
  • How can developers know if a recruiter is good or bad?
  • Why should developers respond to recruiters?
  • Do recruiters get recruited?
  • How and why did you become a recruiter?

If You Are A Developer

  • What questions to you have for recruiters?
  • What do you wish recruiters would do differently?
  • What do you like about working with recruiters?
  • What is it like being a developer and looking for a new job?
  • How should recruiters be looking for developers?
  • How should recruiters be engaging developers?

About The Authors

Chris Kelly

Right now it’s just me. Check back for guest posts! I work at Big Nerd Ranch. The opinions expressed on this site are my own and do not reflect the opinions of Big Nerd Ranch or any of my past employers. You can find out more about me over on my website.

Since around mid-2006 in graduate school at Georgia Tech, I’ve been contacted by literally hundreds and hundreds of recruiters. Some have led to interviews, some have led to new jobs, and some have been absolutely terrible. Since mid-2012 I have been a little more deliberate with recruiters, sending them to “How to recruit developers away from Highgroove” or having lunch with them to talk about what they are trying to do. Hopefully I’ll get a few of them to write content here.

If you’d like to write something, or would like me to find out and write about something. Send an e-mail on over to ckdake@ckdake.com!
